Sara looked upset when she finally showed up at the gym. “What’s with you?” “Ugh,” she said in disgust. “It’s Read More

Sara looked upset when she finally showed up at the gym. “What’s with you?” “Ugh,” she said in disgust. “It’s Read More

I took an almost two-week break from blogging over the holidays, and I must say it was a much needed Read More

I took an almost two-week break from blogging over the holidays, and I must say it was a much needed Read More

My most recent Friend With Benefits and I had an understanding that if either of us started dating, we’d pull the benefits Read More

My most recent Friend With Benefits and I had an understanding that if either of us started dating, we’d pull the benefits Read More

Back around New Years, I decided blogging was taking too big of a role in my life, and I needed to Read More

Back around New Years, I decided blogging was taking too big of a role in my life, and I needed to Read More

Dad’s House readers occasionally wonder why, if I say I’d like to be in a genuine romantic dating relationship, I seem Read More

Dad’s House readers occasionally wonder why, if I say I’d like to be in a genuine romantic dating relationship, I seem Read More

1Healthy Marital Relationship Doesn’t Means No Fighting If you think that the secret to passion in love is not to have fights Read More

1Healthy Marital Relationship Doesn’t Means No Fighting If you think that the secret to passion in love is not to have fights Read More

Have you ever noticed that when you pick up women by treating and speaking to them in that familiar buddy or best Read More

Have you ever noticed that when you pick up women by treating and speaking to them in that familiar buddy or best Read More

We are roughly 6 weeks away from the official start of summer. If you’re looking to change your body and get noticed Read More

We are roughly 6 weeks away from the official start of summer. If you’re looking to change your body and get noticed Read More

Most guys want to avoid dating disasters but few of us give any thought to avoiding dating a disaster area Read More

Most guys want to avoid dating disasters but few of us give any thought to avoiding dating a disaster area Read More

Want to know a big secret about women? You would? OK, listen up, and I’ll tell you. Here it is: women like Read More

Want to know a big secret about women? You would? OK, listen up, and I’ll tell you. Here it is: women like Read More