In Defense of Shy Girls

August 18, 2021 by No Comments

In the appendix of Bang*, Roosh spends a little time discussing shy girls, but ultimately states that they’re not worth your time.  I have to disagree; shy personalities definitely don’t work for every womanizer, but these girls can be just as worthwhile as extroverted chicks.  If you have the right personality type, you may even prefer these girls.

First, let’s discuss the problems with shy girls.  Shy girls aren’t just reserved with their words, they’re reserved with their body language as well.  They don’t send 90% of the subconscious signals of attraction that other girls do.  Tilting their head towards you, exposing their necks, touching you early.  Nope.  Not going to happen with shy chicks.  Also, they can’t win over other chicks as well as extroverted chicks.  Girls sound like a bunch of clucking hens when you put them together, so the reserved girls won’t perform as well in that environment.  She’s more likely to be disliked by other girls because her social skills can’t compensate for the jealousy other girls feel based on her looks.  Extroverted attractive chicks can often overcome this jealousy through social politics.  Mediocre girl thinks “Well she’s not so bad; she did tell me she liked my scarf.”

Now let’s address these problems.  Shy girls still give off the 10% of attraction signals that are the hardest to control.  A chick can keep her hand from squeezing your arm, but she can’t stop her pupils from dilating.  I still vividly remembering gaming this one shy chick and I could tell how well I was doing because we were in a brightly lit room and she had blue eyes.  15 minutes into my game, her eyes were fully dilated and dreamy, she looked like she was on acid.  In my experience, shy girls are also more likely to flush.  Chrissy is one of these.  When I first started dating her, she would periodically get a rush of blood right around her eyes.  We’d be talking and suddenly she’d have a red ring around her eyes.  I joked that she was allergic to me.  Molly would also get flushed easily.

Because shy girls don’t give off as many signals, you have to pay closer attention to the ones that they do give off.  At some point you have to assume she’s sufficiently comfortable and go in for the kiss.  According to Roissy, holding eye contact longer than normal is enough of a signal.  Also, when they do give a strong signal, you know you’re in.  Once a shy girl touches you strongly, she’s DTF.

As for winning over other chicks, you’re actually better off with a girl who doesn’t socialize too much with other girls.  Remember, girls secretly hate each other.  A girl’s friends are your worst enemies because they’re usually poisoning the well against you; they’re not having any dating luck so they want to destroy what your girl has.  Of course this is all happening in their primitive hind-brains, so they couch it in terms like: “You deserve better girl.”, “He should buy you flowers.” “What do you mean your cervix is shaped like his fist now?!“

*Yes, the review is coming.  I took a lot of notes during the second read.  A man puts a lot of work into a book, you don’t halfass a review.


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