Sammy is trying to suss out what was going on with her man when she starting talking about having a Read More

Sammy is trying to suss out what was going on with her man when she starting talking about having a Read More

We might have another resurfacing man here, folks. Or is he? Josey dated a guy for about 3 months, when Read More

We might have another resurfacing man here, folks. Or is he? Josey dated a guy for about 3 months, when Read More

Here’s a request that likely got my attention, at least in part, due to what I sincerely hope is a Read More

Here’s a request that likely got my attention, at least in part, due to what I sincerely hope is a Read More

Maria has a delivery guy who she believes is interested. In her, I’m saying. Not just “generally interested in things.” Why Read More

Maria has a delivery guy who she believes is interested. In her, I’m saying. Not just “generally interested in things.” Why Read More

In a relationship, drama does not equal excitement. Healthy relationships are stable, and not emotional roller coasters. If there’s too Read More

In a relationship, drama does not equal excitement. Healthy relationships are stable, and not emotional roller coasters. If there’s too Read More

“When expatriates men cheat, it basically means that they are looking for something their girlfriend or wife is not providing. Read More

“When expatriates men cheat, it basically means that they are looking for something their girlfriend or wife is not providing. Read More